Monday, June 30, 2008

Great weekend filled with training!

This weekend I got in some great training with a long ride (mix of road and mtn), an easy swim with drills, a mountain bike race and a hard transition run after the race. Some of my training was done with Greg Heinz, a great guy and a very good cyclist in the area (and a Cal Poly grad...Go Mustang's). I am excited to be training with him as I am certain he is going to get me into good shape!
I got my butt kicked in the XC race but man it was a great workout and I followed that up with a very tough transition run. I am pretty tired today so mission accomplished...feeling this beat means I went hard and that was the goal. I could really care less about any results b/c it is more about doing the hard work now so that I am fit for more important races in August and October.
I am doing some different training during the second half of the season. I think this new approach will deliver some great fitness and good results. With every race and every season I learn more and more about what it takes to excel at a high level in any endurance sport but specifically Xterra. Lately, I have given a lot of thought to my training and racing and, with a new arsenal of workouts, I feel like I am on the road to continued success and breakthrough performances.
Today is an obvious recovery day for me and as the week progresses I will get back into the really hard workouts. It took me about 1 week to get back to "normal." I felt off pretty much the whole week. After a solid weekend of hard training though I feel much better. I can't say I feel 100% b/c of some other things going on in my life but I feel much better, which is good.
I am always a big proponent of life balance and I believe that stress from work, family, etc. needs to be factored into every training plan b/c stress leads to poor training, end of story. While I know this all too well, it still amazes me how much stress can hurt your training and hinder your ability to push hard during key sessions. Most people close to me know that my company is going through a major restructuring right now and I, along with 50% of the other sales reps, were displaced and left without a job (and a car, computer, etc...the list goes on). A bit surprising to me given my track record with this company but it is what it is and I am doing my best to turn this tough time into a positive situation. I also believe that challenges like this one make you much stronger and smarter and it opens the door to bigger and better opportunities. So, take it from me, a lot of stress will hurt your training and needs to be factored in when developing a training plan...lesson learned, again!
Without a job I am left to train, train and train...shoot, I guess I have no choice but to get faster ;) I also get to spend more time getting my coaching business built up and Skinfit operational, which is a lot of fun and certainly where my heart is. I am also looking for another job b/c this thing called a mortgage has to get paid...why didn't I pick another sport like baseball? This triathlon thing doesn't pay much, especially when 15th is your best pro result! =)
Well, thanks for reading and have a good one!


GW said...

Sorry to hear about the job, but it sounds like you have a good attitude about it. Keep it up.

runninggunner said...

Sucks about the job. But everything happens for a reason. Have a great second half to the season. I am looking forward to gettting into my second half as well.